Love Languages of business!

Love Business

The first questions you must be asking is whats love got to do with it. The reality is that being in business involves a great deal of relationships, whether this is with your staff or with your clients. You will spend more time at work than with your husband or wife, so you need to build good relationships. Just like any good marriage, business takes work to make it last and grow.

There is a famous book called the five languages of love which outlines how different people give and receive love and how to make each type of person feel loved and appreciated. The book outlines five ways that people feel love. These are:

Quality Time

Words of Affirmation

Acts of Service

Receiving gifts

Physical Touch

Quality Time

There is nothing better than quality time with those you love and this should be no different with your current and prospective clients. To enhance your relationship with your current clients and to build new relationships you need to spend time with them. This may be taking them to a lunch meeting, having regular office meetings or regular phone calls just to talk and get to know each other better. Quality time is vitally important to building a good relationship, without putting in the effort and getting to know each other it is difficult to build trust.

Words of Affirmation

The exchange of kind words can work wonders in a relationship, and business can benefit from it too. Whether it is a thank you note to a supplier, or a meaningful email to your client telling them how much you appreciate their business, words of affirmation are becoming few and far between, so hearing this will make their day. It is also great for your staff, acknowledging their hard work and telling them they’re doing a good job is an easy way to show your appreciation.

Acts of Service

As a Husband, I know how much the little things count. Whether it is taking the bin out without being told or washing the dishes, acts of service are key to showing you care. The same goes for your clients. Going the extra mile to provide great service, speaks for itself.  It doesn’t have to be something huge it could be as simple as a discount or spending a bit of extra time with your client.


I am sure everyone has given or received a gift and can remember the warm feeling you get. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, sometimes little gestures go a long way. Gifts and bonuses can be used for staff to show your appreciation. Gifts can also be given to clients to let them know they are valued by you and your business. The aim is to deliver something that shows you’re interested in the person and genuinely care about the relationship.

Physical Touch

Obviously in relationships a hug, PDA and physical intimacy are ways of showing love through physical touch. However, I am sure you are wondering how on earth this could relate to business without being inappropriate. Quite a lot, have you ever shaken hands with a dead fish? Having a strong hand shake can show you are confident and competent. A handshake is also a token of respect and forgoing this can signal that you are cold and unapproachable.

Every client and every one of your staff will have their own unique way of feeling appreciated. The key is to identify which type of language speaks directly to them. The only way to do this is by spending time with them. The more you get to know your clients, the better you will speak their language and the easier it will be to identify the best way of making them feel valued and appreciated.

If you would like an accountant who values you and is fluent in the languages of love and business, give us a call to start building a great relationship today.